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Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


If your child wishes to be a part of the Palm Sunday performance, please bring them to the final rehearsal. Thank you!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

Jesus Forgives Our Sins


Luke 1:37
Nothing is impossible with God.

Key words
Shunned: to be avoided

Attention Grabber:
The difference between mistake and intentional wrongdoing
-Isaiah spilled the crayons while trying to bring them to the table 
-Diamond smacked Brianna in her face after she ate her cookie
-Ms.  Jessica forgot the snacks at her house
-I lied and said I was sick so I wouldn't have to go to work
-Joy putting a coloring book in her book bag although she didn't pay for it  


Luke 9:1-10

  • Jesus was on his final journey to Jerusalem
  • During his trip he meet a man named Zacchaeus, he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy
  • However, Zacchaeus at first could not see Jesus because he was short
  • Because Zacchaeus was short he climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus
  • When Jesus saw Zacchaeus he told him to come down
  • Jesus wanted to go to the house of Zacchaeus
  • When the crowd saw this, they became mad because they thought of Zacchaeus as a sinner
  • Although Jesus that Zacchaeus had stole people's tax money he still wanted to go to his house
  • Zacchaeus felt convicted, so he gave half of his possessions to the poor
  • Jesus forgave Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus' Characteristics

- chief tax collector 
-Jewish man

-employed my the Roman Government 
-shunned and despised

Just a Reminder......

Be Blessed & Have A Great Week!!

Sunday Activities {3/10/13 & 3/17/13}

Monday, March 11, 2013

Open My Eyes

The Two Blind Men

 "According to your faith let it be to you"
-Matthew 9:29

Attention Grabber:
Have the children perform small skits

  • You fell off your bike and your friend comes to help you
  • You are trying to pick up something heavy
Key words:
Blind: The inability to see
Faith: Believing that God is able to do the impossible

Matthew 9
The paralyzed man was healedthe woman with the issue of bloodthe 12 yr old girl that was deadthe blind men

Blindness in the bible
-blindness was associated with sin
-blind people often were left to beg for a living
-blind people could not become priest

The Blind Men

  • Followed Jesus telling him to have mercy on them
  • Jesus asked the blind men did they believe he was able to heal them
  • They answered Jesus, "Yes, Lord"
  • Jesus touched their eyes and said "According to your faith let it be to you"
  • The blind men eyes were opened 

Matthew 9:27-31

27 When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us!”

28 And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.”

29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.”

30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, saying, “See that no one knows it.”

 31 But when they had departed, they spread the news about Him in all that country.

Review Question:

1.Name a least one other miracle Jesus performed that day. (Answer: Jesus healed the paralyzed man, the woman with the issue of blood, raised a 12 yr girl from the dead)
2. What was blindness associated with? (Answer: sin)
3. How did Jesus heal the two blind men? (Answer: he touched their eyes)
Monday, March 4, 2013

Money, Money, Moooooooney!!!

Fundraising Results

Coin Drive:
We have raised $90.00 in coins from December 30th to February 24th

Butterfly Fundraiser:
We raised a little over $20.00 during our Valentines fundraiser.

$110.00 for the Children's Church Ministry to buy snacks, crafts, and other fun stuff.

THANK YOU for your support!

*we had some dollars donated to the coin drive...this is just the total of coins received. 

The Lost Sheep

You Just Lost One 

Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. 

To understand that Jesus cares about everyone.

Key Word(s):
Care: show concern 
Parable: a story that makes a moral story easier to understand 
Shepard: A person that watches and cares for the sheep (example: David)

Luke 15:1-7

  • Jesus told the parable of the "Lost Sheep" to men called tax collectors and Pharisees.
  • The Pharisees thought that Jesus should not eat or talk with sinners.
  • Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep to explain why he hung around questionable people.
  • Jesus said, "Suppose one of you have a hundred sheep and lost one of them."
  • Jesus asks the question, "Do you leave the ninety-nine sheep and go find the one sheep until you find it?"
  • When the shepherd finds the one sheep he is so excited he carries the sheep all the way home.
  • Meaning of parable: Jesus rejoices over one sheep that is lost and found, then over ninety-nine sheep that feel they are perfect. (the ninety-nine sheep represents the Pharisees and tax collectors).
Key Points:
  1. Jesus loves all of us even when we sin or get lost.
  2. Jesus told parables on topics that were close to his heart.
  3. The Pharisees and tax collectors could not understand why Jesus would want to dwell with sinners.
Characteristics of sheep:
Can live in hot/cold climate
Eat grass leaves and twigs 
Wolves, coyotes, and some dogs prey on sheep
Follow rather than lead
Know shepherd's voice
Know shepherd's face and faces of the sheep in their flock.

Duties of shepherd:
Lead sheep to green pastures.

Teachers: Jessica Jones

Sunday's Activity {3/3/13}