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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Intro to Jesus' Ministry {1/6/13}

Topic: Jesus Chooses His Twelve Disciples

James 12:26 "If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.

Key Word
Disciple: Follower

Andrew: Fisherman
Simon (Peter): Fisherman
James: Fisherman
John: Fisherman
Matthew: Tax Collector
Philip: Unknown Occupation
Nathaniel (Bartholomew):  Unknown Occupation
Thomas: Unknown Occupation
James: Unknown Occupation
Simon: Unknown Occupation
Thaddeus: Unknown Occupation
Judas: Unknown Occupation
Scripture References: Matthew 4:18-25, Mark 2:13-14, and John 1:43-49

Key Points
  • Jesus chose his helpers to bring people into the kingdom of God
  • Jesus also chooses you to be his helper on Earth
  • When we help people at home, school, church, etc.. then we serve them, and when we humble ourselves to serve people we are helping Jesus.
Teacher: Jessica Jones


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