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Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Tower of Confusion

Tower of Confusion 

Word(s) to know:
Pride: Thinking highly of one's self
Humble/Humility: Showing modesty 
Babel: Gateway to heaven


Today's lesson is about pride. Pride is when you think highly of yourself. The problem with pride is the fact that God hates pride.

  • Everybody in the whole world spoke the same language
  • Some people ended up living in a place called Babylonia 
  • There lived a King named Nimrod who decided he wanted to be famous.
  • King Nimrod convinced the people of Babylonia that if they built a tower to heaven they all would become famous
  • The people's pride got in the way and they became consumed with building a tower that reached heaven
  • God realized the people's heart was more into themselves  and the tower than HIM
  • God decided to mix up their languages to make it hard for them to understand each other
  • This was the beginning of the languages
  • From there God scattered the people all over the whole earth
1. How did different languages come about?
2. What is the difference between being proud versus being humble?
3. Who was the King that wanted to be famous?