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Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Tower of Confusion

Tower of Confusion 

Word(s) to know:
Pride: Thinking highly of one's self
Humble/Humility: Showing modesty 
Babel: Gateway to heaven


Today's lesson is about pride. Pride is when you think highly of yourself. The problem with pride is the fact that God hates pride.

  • Everybody in the whole world spoke the same language
  • Some people ended up living in a place called Babylonia 
  • There lived a King named Nimrod who decided he wanted to be famous.
  • King Nimrod convinced the people of Babylonia that if they built a tower to heaven they all would become famous
  • The people's pride got in the way and they became consumed with building a tower that reached heaven
  • God realized the people's heart was more into themselves  and the tower than HIM
  • God decided to mix up their languages to make it hard for them to understand each other
  • This was the beginning of the languages
  • From there God scattered the people all over the whole earth
1. How did different languages come about?
2. What is the difference between being proud versus being humble?
3. Who was the King that wanted to be famous?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kiddos in the Kitchen

Crescent Pepperoni Roll- Up

I was looking on "Pinterest" and found this recipe. Its so simple that you can get your little ones involved. So get the Kiddos in the Kitchen and have fun!

You will need: 
1 can refrigerated crescent rolls
40 slices turkey pepperoni (or whatever type of pepperonis you like)
4 pieces of mozzarella string cheese, cut in half
garlic powder
pizza sauce

Preheat oven to 375.
Unroll crescent rolls and separate into 8 triangles.  Place 5 slices of turkey pepperoni on each crescent roll.  Top pepperoni with string cheese half and roll up.  Sprinkle crescent rolls with garlic powder.  Place rolls on baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown.  Serve with a side of warm pizza sauce.



Sunday's Activity {10/06/13}

Monday, August 12, 2013

God's People Prayers are Powerful

                                                       Hannah's Baby

Family Motto:
The prayers of God's people are powerful 

Opening Discussion:
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to have it?

Some of the students answered they wanted ipods, iphones, dogs, ds (game), etc.

If something you wanted was sitting in your face and you could not get it, how would feel?

A lot of the students answered they would be upset.

Background to Hannah 
This story is about a woman named Hannah who really really wanted to have a child.  Every year she would go with her husband to a place called Shiloh.
While they were there, there would be a big festival and everyone would celebrate all that God did for them.  They would thank God for their crops and everything God gave them, and give sacrifices or presents to God to show how thankful they were.
This sometimes made Hannah very sad because she wanted so badly to be thankful, but was discouraged because she couldn't have a child.  That didn't mean Hannah moped around and felt sorry for herself but in her heart she was very sad.  Her husband still loved her very much and tried to make her feel better but nothing seemed to work.

Hannah Starting Praying 
Finally Hannah did the only thing she knew that she could do to help her situation.  One evening when they had finished eating and drinking Hannah went to the temple and began to pray.
When Hannah prayed she was very honest with how she was feeling.  She sometimes cried a lot and probably felt like God had forgotten her.  But while she was praying she promised God, "Dear God, if you would only look and see how sad I am and remember me, please give me a son.  If you would do that for me I will dedicate my son to you for his whole life."
As Hannah was praying there was a man named Eli, a priest, who was sitting nearby and saw her.  While Hannah was praying she was praying to herself, her lips were moving but Eli couldn't hear her say anything.  We can pray just like this to if we need to,  we can pray to God in our head so no one can hear.
Eli realized that Hannah was being very honest and truthful with God and he said to her, "Go in peace and may God answer your prayer."  After that Hannah left she felt much better because she had talked to God about what bothered her.  Early the next morning she even went to worship God before she went home.
You see, sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers, but we can't just be mad forever and not talk or thank God for all the other good things in our life.  God knows what's best so there's always a good reason why he hasn't answered your prayer.

Hannah has a baby 
But a while later a great thing happened.  God of course remembered Hannah (because God doesn't forget any of us) and gave her a son, and she named him Samuel.
Hannah had waited so long for this child and she loved him so much, but she remembered that she made a promise to God.  Hannah was an honest woman and when she made a promise she meant it.  Again, Hannah had a good attitude and wanted to give Samuel back to God, she wasn't mad at herself and change her mind.  Hannah kept her promise.
When Samuel was old enough she went back to the place where she had prayed and said to Eli the priest, "Do you remember me?  I am the woman that cried and prayed for this child and He answered my prayer.  Now I give him to the Lord and I will leave him with you to learn and work with you."