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Friday, January 11, 2013

Encourage the Children

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

In order for us to point our children in the right direction we must have a prayer life. We must pray for each decision we have to make with our children and for our children; just to make sure we are keeping them on the path God has planned for them. In addition, in order for us to point our children in the right direction we must know our children. Know and understand what they like and don't like. We need to allow them to be who they are and not try to conform them into something we want them to be.

Children need individual time with mom and dad. We need to allow our children to talk us. It's a season for everything and we have to purposely have an ear out to hear what God wants us to do or say to our children. At the end of the day these kids were given to us to protect but they ultimately belong to God. Get in His presence and invite Him in the conversations with your children. Purposely see your children with God's eyes, and God's mind. Lets speak to our children with love, and encouraging words. Lets decree somethings.

Lord Today
I am going to encourage my children
I am going to listen to my children
I am going to study my children for their talents
My words will be encouraging
I will point them in the right direction
I will pray for my children
I will seek the Lord; to help me lead my children in the right direction

Lord I ask that you would forgive your children for anything they have done to displease you. Lord give me Your heart, Your mind, Your eyes, so that I may treat your children with love and that I may encourage them. Lord help me lead them the way you would have them to go. You said in your word that you knew them before they were in the womb and you have a plan and purpose for their lives so help me to keep them on your path. Lord I am asking for wisdom to teach my children and to answer any questions they may need answered. Lord I am asking for discernment to see when your children need me. Lead me and guide me Lord. These are your children have your way in their lives.


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