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Friday, April 26, 2013

*** Thursday Bible Trivia***

1. How many books are in the Bible? Old Testament? New Testament?
66 books in total, 39 in the Old, 27 in the New

2. What are the first five books of the Bible called?
The Law Books

3. Who wrote the Law Books?

5. What are the first four books of the New Testament called?
The Gospels

6. Who wrote the Gospel books?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

7. Who wrote the book of Psalm?

8. What does the word Genesis mean?

9. What does Exodus mean?
Exit; the Hebrew people left slavery from under the rule of the Egyptians

10.  What two birds did Noah send out of the ark?
Raven and Dove

11. What bird brought food to Elijah while he was in hiding?

12. Name the sons of Adam and Eve.
Cain and Abel

13. What is the first murder in the bible?
Cain killed Abel

14. The Old Testament is divided into 5 part. Name them.
Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets

15. The rainbow is symbolic of?
The promise God made to never destroy the Earth by water

16. What does the word disciple mean?

17. This man prayed to god for wisdom.

18. How many were present in the upper room?

19. What was Paul's name at first?

20. Paul lost one of his senses during his trip to Damascus?
Eye sight

21. What is the definition of Revelation?
To reveal, make known 

Monday, April 22, 2013


Hey Everybody,
     Children's Church will start rehearsing for our next performance starting Thursday, April 25th. If you wish for your child(ren) to participate, please bring them this Thursday. To participate in the performance the child needs to make at least 3-4 rehearsals.

See any of the Children's Church Staff for additional information.

Dorcas and Peter are Helpers

"He who lends to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done"
-Proverbs 19:17

Key Word(s):
Widow: A woman that has lost her husband by death and has not remarried.

Attention Grabber:
Allow the children to pick a partner. The sit down with their backs towards each other. Have the partners link arms. When you say start have them try to stand up together faster than any other team.

Objective: To realize that working as a team will have you be successful. 

  • Dorcas cared for the widows in Joppa 
  • If a woman's husband died, then the wife had no way to support herself
  • *Unless the the wife's oldest son would take care of her
  • *The oldest son would get the father's property
  • *If the wife did not have a son she would lose the property unless she married a relative of the husband
  • Dorcas made coats for the widows 
  • One day Dorcas got sick and died
  • Dorcas' friend had heard about Peter (a disciple of God that was healing the sick. Although Peter had never raised anyone from the dead Dorcas' friends believed that Peter could bring their friend back to life)
  • When Peter arrived he told everybody to leave the room
  • Peter begin to pray to God to bring Dorcas back to life
  • Dorcas was brought back to life
Key Points
*Helping people that are in need
*We now have the power to heal the sick and raise the dead in Jesus' name

1. Who is Dorcas? Answer: A woman that helped widows in Joppa
2. What is a widow? Answer: A widow is a woman that has lost her husband by death
3. What happened to a woman that had no sons and her husband died? Answer: The woman would loss her property and would have to find someone to take care of her
4. Who prayed that Dorcas would be raised from the dead? Answer: Peter

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Hey Everybody,
     Children's Church will start rehearsing for our next performance starting Thursday, April 18th. If you wish for your child(ren) to participate, please bring them this Thursday. To participate in the performance the child needs to make at least 3-4 rehearsals.

See any of the Children's Church Staff for additional information.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Give Me a Better Understanding!

Philip Tells a New Friend About Jesus

As I have loved you, so you must love one another
-John 13:34
Key Words:
No Key Words 

Attention Grabber:
Name some people that helps you

This week you learned about Philip and the Ethiopian.The Ethiopian was an important official who worked for the Queen of Ethiopia. He had traveled all the way to Jerusalem to worship God. On his way home, the Ethiopian was reading from the book of Isaiah. God sent Philip up to the Ethiopian’s chariot.When Philip saw him reading Isaiah he asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Ethiopian replied, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” He invited Philip into the chariot and Philip taught him the good news about Jesus. As soon as the Ethiopian understood, he found some water and stopped the chariot so that Philip could baptize him.

Key Points:

  • God will send help to you to understand what you do not understand (the word of God, how to live holy, how to live a saved life).
  • We have to be obedient to what God says.
  1. What book of the bible was the Ethiopian man reading from? Answer: Isaiah
  2. Did the Ethiopian man understand what he was reading? Answer: No
  3. Who help him understand Isaiah? Answer: Philip 
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day of Silence


Every year, more and more students participate in the Day of Silence, which began 13 years ago when University of Virginia students wanted to find a way to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment on campus.

As the day’s popularity and exposure have increased, many misperceptions have spread about what the Day of Silence is, why the day exists and what participating in it means. Here are 4 truths that address common misinformation about the Day of Silence.

1) The Day of Silence’s purpose is to bring attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment and effective responses.

The goal of the Day of Silence is to make schools safer for all students, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. In a Harris Interactive study on bullying, students said two of the top three reasons students are harassed in school are actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender expression. Additionally, nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT students experience harassment at school. 

Students across the country participate in the Day of Silence to bring attention to this problem, let students who experience such bullying know that they are not alone and ask schools to take action to address the problem.

2) Hundreds of thousands of students of all beliefs, backgrounds and sexual orientations participate in the Day of Silence.

Anti-LGBT bullying and harassment affects all students. Slurs such as "faggot" and "dyke" are commonplace in school. The Day of Silence is an example of students, from middle school to college, working together proactively to bring attention to the anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment experienced by LGBT and straight students alike. GLSEN, the Day of Silence’s organizational sponsor, encourages participants to be counted by registering at 

Students from nearly 8,000 middle and high schools registered for the 2008 Day of Silence. GLSEN protects the privacy of students and does not publish a list of students who have registered or their schools. Many students who participate also belong to Gay-Straight Alliance student clubs, of which nearly 4,000 are registered with GLSEN. The first GSA was created by a straight student over 20 years ago, in the fall of 1988.

3) Day of Silence participants encourage schools to implement proven solutions to address anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment.

  • Adopt and implement a comprehensive anti-bullying policy that enumerates categories such as race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression/identity.
  • Provide staff trainings to enable school staff to identify and address anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment effectively and in a timely manner.
  • Support student efforts to address anti-LGBT bullying and harassment on campus, such as the formation of a Gay-Straight Alliance.
  • Institute age-appropriate, factually accurate and inclusive curricula to help students understand and respect difference within the school community and society as a whole.

    4) The day is a positive educational experience.

    The Day of Silence is an opportunity for students to work toward improving school climate for all students. GLSEN advises students interested in participating to discuss their intentions with their administration and teachers long before the event. The day is most successful when schools and students work together to show their commitment to ensuring safe schools for all students. Many schools allow students’ participation throughout the day. Some schools ask students to speak as they normally would during class and remain silent during breaks and at lunch. There is no single way to participate, and students are encouraged to take part in the way that is the most positive and uplifting for their school. 

        Should you send your children to school on April 19?

    Sunday's Activities {4/7/13}

    Sunday, April 7, 2013

    Are You Smarter Than the Next Team? (Review Session)

    It is the desire of Children's Church to have the kids KNOW the word of God. Therefore, we have review sessions to remind the children of the many lessons we have gone over. It makes our heart glad when the children can answer all of these question because they have HID THE WORD OF GOD IN  THEIR HEART. 

    Congratulations to Team GIRLS (Raegan, Joy and Karlie). They won!!

    Final Question: Name 8 miracles

    Fill In The Blank
    What’s His Name
    Random Knowledge
    The paralyzed man had _____friend that carried him to Jesus

    Luke 1:37 says

    Answer: Nothing is impossible with God
    This person asked Jesus if he could walk on water

    Answer: Peter
    2 woman that visited Jesus’ grave

    Answer: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary(mother of James)
    The donkey represented that Jesus rode represented ____________and________

    Answer: Peace and humility
    This kingdom come, thy will be done on __________as it is in __________

    Answer: Earth, Heaven
    Who wrote Ps. 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

    Answer: David
    A story that makes a moral story easier to understand

    Answer: Parable
    Jesus fasted for __________days and ________nights

    Answer: 40
    If any man serve me, let him ________________

    Answer: Follow me
    This person said that he wouldn’t believe Jesus was raised from the dead unless he saw his wounds

    Answer: Thomas
    These people always found fault with Jesus

    Answer: Pharisees
    The first time Jesus appeared after dying there was ______disciples in the room

    Thy__________have I hid in my ________that I might not sin against thee.

    Answer: Word, Heart
    This king tried to kill baby Jesus

    Answer: King Harod
    What was often the job of a blind person?

    Answer: A beggar
    The place Jesus healed the deaf/mute man is called _______towns

    Answer: Ten
    ________for one another that they may be healed

    Answer: Pray
    This man thought that being reborn meant he had to go back into his mother’s womb

    Answer: Nicodemus
    Name three characteristics of Zaccheus

    Answer: Short, Tax collector, stole money, worked for the Roman Government, shunned
    Friday, April 5, 2013

    No Need To Doubt


    He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

    Mark 4:40

    Key Word:
    Doubt:fear, an uncertainty about a situation 

    Attention Grabber:
    "Doubt It Game"
    I gave a couple statements where the children had to decide whether they believed the statement or not.
    I have three sisters (that's a true statement)
    I weigh 125 lbs (DOUBT IT)
    I drive a BMW(Doubt it)
    I love teaching children's church (that's a true statement)

    It was a Sunday night, three days after Jesus had died on the cross. Ten of the disciples (Thomas wasn't there and Judas was dead) were hiding in a room because they were afraid that they would be killed because they were Jesus' friend. Suddenly Jesus appeared in the room. Jesus said to the disciples "Peace be with you." He showed the disciples the wounds he had from dying on the cross. The disciples were filled with JOY because their friend was alive. Jesus explained to the disciples that like he had a purpose in life, they now had a purpose for their lives' too. However, the disciples would not have to do it alone, but they would have the Holy Spirit to help them on their journey. Jesus wanted his disciples to go spread the good news (the good news being that Jesus raised from the dead and that he died for our sins). Jesus left the disciples. When Thomas came back the ten disciples told him that they had seen Jesus. Thomas had trouble believing this because he knew Jesus was dead. Thomas explained to the disciples that unless he touch the holes in Jesus' hands and his sides, he would not believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Seven days later Jesus appeared again and this time Thomas was in the room. Jesus again said " Peace be with you."Jesus offered to let Thomas touch the wounds in his hands and sides. Thomas immediately believed without touching Jesus' wounds.

    "Blesses are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe"

    Key Points:
    • Jesus was raised from the dead
    • Our purpose in life is to spread the "good news" about Jesus
    • We now have the Holy Spirit to guide us through life
    Review Questions:
    1. How many disciples were in the room when Jesus first appeared? (answer: ten disciples)
    2. Who were the two disciple missing? (answer: Judas and Thomas)
    3. What did Thomas say had to happen in order for him to believe? (answer: he had to touch the holes in Jesus' hand and the wounds in his side)
    4. What did Jesus say he was giving his disciples to help them? (answer: the Holy Spirit)

    Teacher: Cierra Francis
