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Monday, April 15, 2013

Give Me a Better Understanding!

Philip Tells a New Friend About Jesus

As I have loved you, so you must love one another
-John 13:34
Key Words:
No Key Words 

Attention Grabber:
Name some people that helps you

This week you learned about Philip and the Ethiopian.The Ethiopian was an important official who worked for the Queen of Ethiopia. He had traveled all the way to Jerusalem to worship God. On his way home, the Ethiopian was reading from the book of Isaiah. God sent Philip up to the Ethiopian’s chariot.When Philip saw him reading Isaiah he asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Ethiopian replied, “How can I unless someone explains it to me?” He invited Philip into the chariot and Philip taught him the good news about Jesus. As soon as the Ethiopian understood, he found some water and stopped the chariot so that Philip could baptize him.

Key Points:

  • God will send help to you to understand what you do not understand (the word of God, how to live holy, how to live a saved life).
  • We have to be obedient to what God says.
  1. What book of the bible was the Ethiopian man reading from? Answer: Isaiah
  2. Did the Ethiopian man understand what he was reading? Answer: No
  3. Who help him understand Isaiah? Answer: Philip 


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