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Friday, April 26, 2013

*** Thursday Bible Trivia***

1. How many books are in the Bible? Old Testament? New Testament?
66 books in total, 39 in the Old, 27 in the New

2. What are the first five books of the Bible called?
The Law Books

3. Who wrote the Law Books?

5. What are the first four books of the New Testament called?
The Gospels

6. Who wrote the Gospel books?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

7. Who wrote the book of Psalm?

8. What does the word Genesis mean?

9. What does Exodus mean?
Exit; the Hebrew people left slavery from under the rule of the Egyptians

10.  What two birds did Noah send out of the ark?
Raven and Dove

11. What bird brought food to Elijah while he was in hiding?

12. Name the sons of Adam and Eve.
Cain and Abel

13. What is the first murder in the bible?
Cain killed Abel

14. The Old Testament is divided into 5 part. Name them.
Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets

15. The rainbow is symbolic of?
The promise God made to never destroy the Earth by water

16. What does the word disciple mean?

17. This man prayed to god for wisdom.

18. How many were present in the upper room?

19. What was Paul's name at first?

20. Paul lost one of his senses during his trip to Damascus?
Eye sight

21. What is the definition of Revelation?
To reveal, make known 


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