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Monday, April 22, 2013

Dorcas and Peter are Helpers

"He who lends to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done"
-Proverbs 19:17

Key Word(s):
Widow: A woman that has lost her husband by death and has not remarried.

Attention Grabber:
Allow the children to pick a partner. The sit down with their backs towards each other. Have the partners link arms. When you say start have them try to stand up together faster than any other team.

Objective: To realize that working as a team will have you be successful. 

  • Dorcas cared for the widows in Joppa 
  • If a woman's husband died, then the wife had no way to support herself
  • *Unless the the wife's oldest son would take care of her
  • *The oldest son would get the father's property
  • *If the wife did not have a son she would lose the property unless she married a relative of the husband
  • Dorcas made coats for the widows 
  • One day Dorcas got sick and died
  • Dorcas' friend had heard about Peter (a disciple of God that was healing the sick. Although Peter had never raised anyone from the dead Dorcas' friends believed that Peter could bring their friend back to life)
  • When Peter arrived he told everybody to leave the room
  • Peter begin to pray to God to bring Dorcas back to life
  • Dorcas was brought back to life
Key Points
*Helping people that are in need
*We now have the power to heal the sick and raise the dead in Jesus' name

1. Who is Dorcas? Answer: A woman that helped widows in Joppa
2. What is a widow? Answer: A widow is a woman that has lost her husband by death
3. What happened to a woman that had no sons and her husband died? Answer: The woman would loss her property and would have to find someone to take care of her
4. Who prayed that Dorcas would be raised from the dead? Answer: Peter


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