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Friday, April 5, 2013

No Need To Doubt


He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

Mark 4:40

Key Word:
Doubt:fear, an uncertainty about a situation 

Attention Grabber:
"Doubt It Game"
I gave a couple statements where the children had to decide whether they believed the statement or not.
I have three sisters (that's a true statement)
I weigh 125 lbs (DOUBT IT)
I drive a BMW(Doubt it)
I love teaching children's church (that's a true statement)

It was a Sunday night, three days after Jesus had died on the cross. Ten of the disciples (Thomas wasn't there and Judas was dead) were hiding in a room because they were afraid that they would be killed because they were Jesus' friend. Suddenly Jesus appeared in the room. Jesus said to the disciples "Peace be with you." He showed the disciples the wounds he had from dying on the cross. The disciples were filled with JOY because their friend was alive. Jesus explained to the disciples that like he had a purpose in life, they now had a purpose for their lives' too. However, the disciples would not have to do it alone, but they would have the Holy Spirit to help them on their journey. Jesus wanted his disciples to go spread the good news (the good news being that Jesus raised from the dead and that he died for our sins). Jesus left the disciples. When Thomas came back the ten disciples told him that they had seen Jesus. Thomas had trouble believing this because he knew Jesus was dead. Thomas explained to the disciples that unless he touch the holes in Jesus' hands and his sides, he would not believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Seven days later Jesus appeared again and this time Thomas was in the room. Jesus again said " Peace be with you."Jesus offered to let Thomas touch the wounds in his hands and sides. Thomas immediately believed without touching Jesus' wounds.

"Blesses are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe"

Key Points:
  • Jesus was raised from the dead
  • Our purpose in life is to spread the "good news" about Jesus
  • We now have the Holy Spirit to guide us through life
Review Questions:
1. How many disciples were in the room when Jesus first appeared? (answer: ten disciples)
2. Who were the two disciple missing? (answer: Judas and Thomas)
3. What did Thomas say had to happen in order for him to believe? (answer: he had to touch the holes in Jesus' hand and the wounds in his side)
4. What did Jesus say he was giving his disciples to help them? (answer: the Holy Spirit)

Teacher: Cierra Francis


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