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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

#BlackHistoryMonth Did you know??

Black History Fact---Did you know?

On February 18, 1688, the first organized protest against slavery in the Americas held in 1688 by four Pennsylvania Quakers from Germantown Meeting. Gerrey Hendericks, Derick up de Graeff, Francis Daniell Pastorius, and Abraham up den Graef organized the protest and presented their opposition to slavery and the trafficking of human beings. In the document, the Quakers use the golden rule as an argument against the inhuman treatment of African Americans: "We shall doe to all men licke as we will be done ourselves; macking no difference of what generation, descent or colour they are". (translation: We shall do all men like as we will be done ourselves; making no difference of what generation, descent, or color they are).

Seeing the injustices of the slave trade, they courageously took a stand against slavery based on their religious and moral beliefs.


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