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Monday, February 11, 2013

Ten Lepers {2/7/13}

Say Thank You!

Pray for one another, that they may be healed
James 5:16
Key Word(s):
Leprosy: A disease that causes sores all over the body and it also cause rotting of the body parts.

Attention Grabber:
Review of the healing of the Deaf/Mute man.

  • Leprosy was very common in Jesus' day, and people who had this disease were thought to be unclean. 
  • They were required to stay away from other people because of the fear that they might infect them with their disease.
  • One day, Jesus was walking through a small village when he saw a group of ten lepers on his way to Jerusalem. 
  • They stood far away from Jesus and called to him, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us." 
  • Obviously, they knew who Jesus was and that he had the power to heal them. 
  • When Jesus heard them, he called back to the lepers and said, "Go, show yourself to the priest."
  • As the lepers went on their way to see the priest, they looked at their skin and the sores were gone.
  •  Jesus had healed their disease. 
  •  Suddenly, one of them stopped and went back.
  •  Praising God with a loud voice, he threw himself at Jesus' feet and said, "Thank You."
  •  Jesus said to him, "Weren't there ten who were healed? Where are the other nine?" 
  • Only one out of ten remembered to say, "Thank You."
Important Notes:
>Jesus told the men to go to the priest because a person who was healed of leprosy had to go to the priest to be checked out to reenter society.
>Obedience: When Jesus told the men to go to the priest they had not been healed yet, but they were healed as they went. If they had not been obedient they would not have been healed
>Gratefulness: Its just good manners to say "Thank You"

Review Questions:
  1. What is leprosy?Answer: a disease that causes sores all over the body.
  2. How many lepers were there? Answer: Ten
  3. Who did lepers that were healed had to go to? Answer: Priest 
  4. How many came back to say "Thank you"? Answer: One
Teacher: Cierra Francis


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