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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jesus Walks on Water

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth"
Matt 28: 18

Key Word(s):
Power: strength, might, force, the act of accomplishing something 

Attention Grabber:
Name different types of weather

  • Jesus told his disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side
  • A storm came along as the disciples sailed across to the other side and it scared them
  • Jesus came to them walking on the water
  • When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, they were scared and said, "It is a ghost."
  • Jesus told his disciples not to be afraid 
  • Peter asked Jesus if i was indeed him, let him walk out on the water too (Peter wanted to walk on water)
  • Peter began to walk on water
  • Peter started to become afraid because of the wind and everything around him
  • Because he was afraid he began to sink
  • Peter cried out "Lord, save me."
  • Jesus stretched out his arm and saved Peter
Key Points:
>Power belongs to God (Jesus)
>Don't be afraid because God (Jesus) is with you

Review Questions:
  1. What did the disciples see that scared them? Ans: Jesus walking on water
  2. What did they think it was? Ans: Ghost
  3. What disciple left the boat to meet Jesus? Ans: Peter
  4. Who has all power in heaven and earth? Ans: Jesus 
Teacher: Jessica Jones


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