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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Deaf No More!

Jesus Heals the Deaf Man
Pray for one another, that they may be healed
James 5:16

Attention Grabber:
Stick your fingers in your ears and tell how you feel

Key Words:
Deaf : A person that cannot hear 
Mute: A person that cannot speak 

  • Jesus visited an area called Ten Towns.
  • Jesus had visited this area before and had healed a man with evil spirits.
  • While there this time, Jesus met a man that was deaf and mute.
  • Jesus took the man away from the crowd.
  • Jesus placed his fingers into the man's ears.
  • Then, he spit and touched the man's tongue.
  • Jesus looked up to heaven and said "Be opened".
  • Jesus healed the man.
  • Jesus told the crowd not to tell anyone, but they did anyway.
Key Points: 
  1. We can be healed by the power of God.
  2. It is hard to keep to ourselves what God has done for us.
Review Questions: 
> What was the name of the area Jesus was in?
(answer: Ten Towns)
>What did the man need to be healed for?
(answer: he was deaf and mute)
>What did Jesus look to heaven and say?
(answer: be opened)


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