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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Four Friends on a Mission

Take Up Your Bed & Walk 

Mark 2:1-12
And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room: and he preached the word unto them. And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

"I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house"

Key Word(s):

Paralyze: to render (a part of the body) insensitive to pain, touch, etc.

  • Jesus was in a place called Capernaum.  
  • Jesus was in a house where people had come to see him teach, heal and some came to find fault in Jesus.
  • By this time, Jesus had performed many miracles and healed a lot of people. 
  • When people found out Jesus would be in the house, the house filled up quickly.
  • Four friends of a man that was paralyzed had heard that Jesus would be in the house so they carried their friend to see Jesus on his bed.
  • When they got to the house, they could not get inside with their paralyzed friend on his bed.
  • The four friends took him up to the roof where they begun to tear the titles off the roof.
  • After the four friends tore a hole in the roof, they lower the paralyzed man down into the room.
  • When Jesus saw him, he looked at the man and told him that "All his sins were forgiven"
  • Some of the people (Pharisees) thought in their minds who was this man that he could forgive this paralyzed man of his sins.
  • Jesus asked the crowd would it be easier to say to the man that all his sins were forgiven or to take up his bed and walk.
  • Jesus then turned to the paralyzed man and took him to "Take up his bed and walk"
  • The paralyzed man took up his bed and walked 
Review Questions:
  1. What is the name of the area Jesus was in? Answer: Capernaum
  2. Who are the people that came to find fault in Jesus? Answer: Pharisees
  3. How many friends did the paralyzed man have? Answer: Four
  4. When the paralyzed man' friends realized that the house was too full, what did they do? Answer: They went to the roof and tore the titles off
Teacher: Cierra Francis


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