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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Come Forth Lazarus

Mary, Martha and Lazarus
Friends of Jesus
A friend loveth at ALL times
Proverbs 17:17
Key Word(s):
Friend:A person that you care for, trust and love
 Attention Getter:
What characteristics do your friends need to have?
Lazarus Race
1. Form two teams.
2. The two teams will pick who will be Lazarus.
3. I will handle each team a pack of streamer.
4. Once the team pick Lazarus, the teams will wait until I say "Go". 5. On "go" the team will wrap the Lazarus with the streamer.
6. The team that wraps their Lazarus first, wins.
  • Jesus had three friends: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.
  •  One day Jesus was travelling and he recieved a letter from his friends Mary and Martha that Lazarus was sick.
  • Instead of going to see about his friend he kept on teaching.
  • Jesus told his disciples not to worry because Lazarus sickness would not result in death but God would get the glory.
  • Two days after Jesus got the message, he decided to make the trip to see about Lazarus.
  • When Jesus arrived, Martha started crying saying, "if you would have come earlier, then Lazarus would still be alive."
  •  Then Mary came to him and said the same thing. Jesus began to weep.
  • Jesus wept because he had performed many miracles in front of his friends and they still did not believe in his power.
  •  Jesus asked Mary and Martha to take him to the tomb. Once they got to the tomb, Jesus told them to move the stone. Lazarus had been dead for four days.
  •  Everybody did not want to move the stone because of the smell that would escape the tomb.
  •  Jesus convinced them to move the stone. Once the stone was moved, Jesus told Lazarus to come forth.
  • Jesus was raised from the dead.
Important Notes:
> Jesus was the friend of Mary, Martha and Lazarus and he is our friend too
>We should love our friends at ALL times
>Jesus wants us to have faith in him, no matter what the situation looks like (Lazarus dying)

Review Questions

1. While Jesus was travelling, he recieved a letter from who?
(answer: Mary and Martha)
2. What did the letter say?
(answer: That Lazarus was sick)
3. Did Jesus go see about his friend right away?
(answer: no)
4. How many days was Lazarus dead when Jesus came?
(answer: 4 days)
5. What did Jesus say when they opened the tomb?
(answer: come forth Lazarus)
6. Why did Jesus weep?
(answer: Because his friends did not believe in his power)
Teacher: Cierra Francis



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